The Effect of Facilities Management on the Nigerian Economy – While the richness of the Nigerian culture is unquestionable due to the ability of several preservation-worthy values that it possesses, a part of our culture which must be totally condemned and replaced as soon as possible is our perception to property maintenance. For the Nigerian majority, the bulk of our effort stops at the construction stage of any physical properties. Zero avenues are created to make sure that such buildings are well-managed for optimum economic output at all times. Even in situations where an avenue for maintenance is provided, they are either poorly executed or not executed at all.
As a nation, we have seen the negative effect of having such values on multiple occasions. Ajaokuta Steel Mill, National Art Theatres, National Stadium (Surulere) and many other national edifices which might have served as a source of huge revenue for the nation are either underperforming or costing the nation more than they generate due to lack of a solid management team/plan.
National properties are not the only structures that are affected by our poor management culture, private properties like hotels, hostels, schools, shopping malls and residential buildings among many other physical structures also get their own negative share from this attitude of ours. For an individual, having a poor or no management plan for a structure will lead to its deterioration and a steep drop in its ability to demand a premium fee for rent or sales. For a nation, poor or no management structure leads to more than an economic loss. The nation’s image also incurs bruises from this singular act.
Knowing fully well that we need more than a magic wand to change Nigerians attitude to property maintenance, should we then fold our hands and watch while our buildings gradually lose economic value? For everyone interested in maximizing the gains associated with owning real estate properties, the response should be negative.
For every real estate or potential real estate owner who agrees with the above response, the only tested and trusted medium for keeping physical structures in good shape at all times without necessarily incurring additional overhead cost is by hiring a facility manager.
Construction in this century has gone beyond the comprehension of a layman. Higher levels of sophistication are fused together before the edifices we see on a daily basis become reality. As such, it only makes sense that such a building is managed by facility managers who have an inner understanding of how such structures come to life.
Contrary to popular opinion, hiring a facility manager is also cost-effective in the long run. It allows real estate owners who have little or no knowledge about the inner workings of a building to focus on what they know how to do best (the promotion of their business).
From the above, we can see that the role of a facility manager in any economy is crucial. The higher the patronage they have in a particular country, the higher the productivity level of such a country and vice-versa since they understand the inner workings of buildings and can also sight a fault before it becomes a problem.
Are you a real estate owner willing to significantly increase your property’s worth without necessarily incurring additional cost? If yes, Lansar Aghaji & Co is the facility management firm you should consider hiring as we have reach across virtually all states of the federation. Contact us today for free consultations which are geared towards improving your property worth.
The Effect of Facilities Management on the Nigerian Economy